
Monday, March 22, 2010

Instant fame

Karl Winn, 60, said he would rather 'recruit ex-drug dealers, convicts and child molesters' than employ former servicemen or women. Until then he was virtually unheard of. Just shows what a few well-chosen words can do for your image!

"Personally, I’d rather recruit ex-drug dealers, convicts and even child molesters rather than consider anybody who has been in the pay of the British Government

Anybody who has been in the pay of such a military force, and by their silence and complicity has condoned such illegal and immoral actions while accepting a monthly blood-stained pay-packet, certainly will not be considered for employment by us."

A good summary of the story can be found here. There's a starter-list of who is funding him on the "About" page.


  1. Webeurope / Karl's companies

  2. Http:// a new Winn company

  3. it'd be a real shame if his company premises burnt down one day.......

  4. What Mr Winn should do is check his facts, if he had, then he would have seen all the good that the military has done in Afghan, places that didn't have running water or electric now do, the Taliban are not in charge, the Taliban who took the freedom away from its people and especially women. Not forgetting all the military who have died who been seriously injured in their line of duty so people like Mr Winn can be a free man and our country is less likely to be attacked by mad terrorists. Maybe Mr Winn should think before he opens his big mouth and insults our brave men and women. Still he hasn't done his business any good and maybe he will have an influx of paedo's now working for him. Did he think the same about the brave men and women in the world wars. I don't wish him harm, because that would make me as small minded as he is.

    1. Spartan Digital - another Winn creation

  5. mr winn knows nothing what so ever.and if he likes iraq or afganistan that much well do a whip round and give the big mouthed twat a single ticket
